Welcome to Rob Kress' Functional Pharmacy

Lifestyle & Functional Medicine with a Focus on Pharmacy by the Godfather of Functional Pharmacy- Practitioner, Pharmacist, Coach, Teacher, Guide

Roberts believes that healing ultimately comes from the patient, they are the true healers. Practitioners have the responsibility to become the healers for ourselves, as well as the guides and conduits of the information that the patient has not yet been privy to.Ā 

"I am a practitioner of fun and healthy lifestyle: wellness, purpose, play, growth, bodymind, connection and peak performance mean everything to me and it is my honor to be able to help others claim the same.

As a pharmacist, instead of dispensing drugs, I find myself dispensing tips, strategies, tweaks of perception, all under the umbrella of empowering through teaching, guidance and support.

From nutritional supplements, to the importance of downregulation, healthy eating, moving naturally, more often, getting out into nature...whatever it is the patient seems to be needing and is relatableĀ to."

My areas of expertise include, and are not limited to:

  • Men's Health
  • Masculine Alchemy
  • Building resilience in a stressful world
  • Executive Coaching
  • CardioMetabolic
  • Immune/Autoimmune
  • Hormonal Optimization
  • Optimized Wellness & Peak Performance

Click Here to Learn More About My Health Coaching Options

About Robert

Robert Kress, RPh, graduated from Temple University School of Pharmacy in Philadelphia PA in 1994. After becoming disenchanted with chemical dominant based medical system, Robert took his passion for nutrition and became board certified in clinical nutrition through the Clinical Nutrition Certification Board, as well as trained as a compounding pharmacist through the Professional Compounding Centers of America.

During this time, he opened his own compounding and nutritional clinic, which blossomed into a complete anti-aging clinic housing other integrative practitioners. Robert became a Certified Clinical Nutritionist, certified in Quantum Reflex Analysis, a practice of kinesiology, as well as have trained and certified in other modalities such as Reiki and auricular acupuncture, a primal health coach, certified yoga and MovNat instructor.

Currently, Robert consults with with patients through the Soul of Medicine with Kay Corpus MD to enhance their health through lifestyle, integrative and functional medicine.

Robert also educates other medical practitioners on functional medicine and how to help integrate, promote and implement natural medicine in their practices through his landmark program, Beyond The Labs- Clinical and Lifestyle Training, Coaching, and Mentoring Program for Pharmacists.

Robert lectures, writes and podcasts regularly on the topic of lifestyle medicine and integrative care.

We begin withĀ The Root Cause ReviewĀ visit to understand your health concerns, review where youā€™ve been on your journey, and create a clear path on how to attain your goals.

Here we spend up to 90 minutes hearing about You, assessing all medication and nutritional protocols, past treatments, states of dis-ease, diagnosis, relevant and current tests, basically your journey up until this point.

Schedule an Initial Consult With Rob Today

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